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Ice fishing
Fishing is not just a summer activity. Fish still swim under the ice throughout the winter, so then ice fishing is perfect. It is both cheap, simple and a lot of fun.
Good opportunities for ice fishing
The nature around Voksenåsen abounds with large and small waters, and there are therefore great opportunities to find good spots for ice fishing. Øvrsetertjern, Maridalsvannet, Bjørnsjøen and Helgeren are just some of the waters you can ice fish in. Just make sure that the ice on the water is thick enough and that you have good equipment with you.
Note! You need to have a fishing license to ice fish in fresh water. Also make sure that you are allowed to fish in the water you intend to fish in.
Take a trip to Voksenåsen this vinter
Take advantage of the beautiful winter days and take a trip up to Voksenåsen’s unique location this winter. We have rooms with a unique view over the fjord and close to a multitude of winter activities.